COVID Irony: Doctors visiting the Minority community for their safety get sticks and spits in return

– Agnima
Call it ruthlessness, unawareness, ignorance or the rigidity of a particular minority community, due to which they are attacking and spitting on doctors who are visiting them to prevent their families from corona scare. These doctors are on streets to visit their houses, collect their samples, make reports of their contacts and what not!
However, instead of getting any reward in return, they are being manhandled, their mobiles are stolen and they are chased by agitated mobs, who are seen lanced with sticks. The story doesn’t end here as these community members are also seen spitting on medical staff, that too at a time, when nation has declared a war against this dreadful virus.
The story is same in different parts of the nation, be it Indore, Jaipur, Bihar, Delhi and many other parts of the country.
A Jaipur-based CMHO, on conditions of anonymity, said that four different medical teams in Rajasthan capital had to run for their lives when they went to Muslim-dominated areas to survey the people who had contacted corona positive patients.
When asked why can’t they book them, he said, “We have the biggest challenge lying right ahead of us-which is to stop corona.
Hence, we have only one option—to make them understand. Even police teams are following the same option-to handle things calmly.”
Similarly, a senior doctor of SMS hospital said, “This community is too rigid and unaware of certain facts. My wife’s friend, who is a female doctor, was chased by a team of 40 people who were running with a stick in their hand. They are not learning with Ramganj episode which has tested 33 positive samples out of 41 in Jaipur.”
Ramganj in Jaipur has emerged as another hotspot of the nation with 33 patients testing positive here out of 41 patients in Rajasthan’s capital.
Police have sealed the walled city’s borders from Tuesday evening looking at the possibilities of increasing numbers from this place.
Rajeev Swaroop, ACS-Home,has appealed to the residents here to cooperate with health teams. He said, “You all should cooperate with these teams who are only and only health teams wanting to see you healthy. So please cooperate.”
It needs to be furnished here that one person who returned from Oman became a super spreader and infected his friend, mother, son and 17 other relatives by flouting quarantine norms. The hell broke loose as the count of covid-19 went skyrocketing, increasing each day, like a tickling bomb ready to explode any time…!