Post Corona Pandemic Alignments

Bharat for sure is likely to play key role in post COVID realignment since so far Proactive initiatives to fight the terror of Corona has raised expectation of world from Modi ji.
– Col Dev Anand
The COVID-19 china virus has spread its tentacles of terror and fear in every mind covering almost every sphere of life : Society to Family, Political to Economics, Religion to its followers and National security to Personal Safety. Until world finds an antidote vaccine for china virus, expecting life return as before may be a dream only . So far Bharat has been on spot, done well to navigate through the crisis by imposing timely & aggressive lock down adopting holistic and integrated approach implementing it humanely along with economic relief package for needy and insurance cover for Corona Warriors.
Modiji at the driving seat, the nation and people have displayed the resilience to defeat the Corona in spite of its world wide havoc with more than 27 lakh COVID positive cases, 1.95 Lakhs deaths and with no sign of any stopping in near future .
Unlike past and Bharat seems to be placed ahead of curve in term of evolving it’s response and addressing the difficulties as compared to Europe/US/China. So far Bharat has been able to deal with Corona terror effectively where in people at large are abiding to “self lock down” and advisories of government. This has not only received vide appreciations from across the word and WHO but has displayed united Bharat to counter china virus. While people at large have responded to the call by Modiji to abide by lockdown but there seems to be some agencies conspiring in every possible way to disrupt the lockdown and destabilise the government case in point Anand Vihar in Delhi and Bandra crowding in Mumbai.
New world order is sure to be redrawn and would be redefined post COVID 19 by those societies / nations who are going to suffer the most casualties and financial losses . Bharat for sure is likely to play key role in post COVID realignment since so far Proactive initiatives like convening special SAARC meeting , G-20 summit , extending medical help in terms of medicine & equipment , establishing IEP( Information Exchange Platform) for information sharing & online training and establishing of $ 10 million pool to fight the terror of Corona has raised expectation of world from Modi ji.
China, the father of COVID-19, majority countries feel that it was an act of Bio warfare tool employed to create global crisis, weather it was intentional or accidental shall depend on post COVID capability of world to take on china and force it for independent investigation and trial. The economic hunger and over exploitation of nature seems to be the key factor for China resorting to originating Corona virus from Wuhan P-4 virology lab / Wuhan fish market where alive animals are roasted and eaten.
Though virus attack of such nature and magnitude are not so common, the climate change has contributed to human vulnerabilities because of over exploitation of nature leading to global warming/ melting of glaciers /earthquakes. Post pandemic World will have to institute measures to prevent Commercial exploitation of nature and adopt green energy. Prevention of Environmental degradation will have to form basis of all economic benefits to guard mankind against such viral/bacterial threats in future .
The credibility of the UN is under question because of the role played by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus response in dealing with pandemic is suspect and both have been seen soft with China, who for years used its veto to disallow debates against terror groups and terrorists wanted by Bharat. China a habitual offender of disregarding International opinion left no stone unturned for a discussion on Kashmir issue in the UNSC post 5 Aug 19 later forced a closed-door meeting labelling it as a security threat to the region and the world.
In spite of international opening , as rotational chairman of UNSC, China blocked discussion in UNSC on the Covid-19 situation in March, which could have saved thousands of innocent lives and loss of $ billion economy. It is certain to block any such move in future using its veto in the UNSC. Hence It’s time to first strip off china of Veto and dismember it from UNO and made to pay suitable compensation for loss of lives and economy in world because of Corona bio attack.
Anti China Power block is likely to emerge post pandemic focussing to punish China and make the mandarins compensate loss of life and finances. Subject to level and time taken in recovery by US , Europe and countries hit by Corona and their post pandemic economic capability will decide the future alignments of international cooperation and grouping . Not withstanding the individual power centre or blocks emerging post pandemic the world will have to work on redrafting the role and charter of world bodies like UNO/WHO, climate change and continuous research to prevent reoccurrence of such pandemic or controlling earliest on detection.
In view of the possible more lethal and severe virus attacks in future the present time lag of around one year to conduct trials/production/distribution of vaccine will have to be reduced to few week if not days. Challenges to the governance, reviving economy, social issues, national security and health care are going to be the key issues defining the future course of not only Individual nations/ societies but human civilization too.
There is a crying need to form a body of nations which are democratic, thus automatically ruling out China, which enjoys certain economic advantages over the democratic setups due to it’s autocratic mode of governance. Iron curtain policy makes it’s dealings opaque as it continues to have a gruesome human rights record.
It’s high time we corner China economically, politically and diplomatically.